Sometimes, a picture just says it all.


Here’s a recent photo of Dave Nader, a longtime sales rep, in our production area.


We’ve nicknamed Dave our new “pit boss” … and yes, it’s impossible to miss the perfectly rectangular 14’ x 16’ pit right in the middle of the shop floor at Max Weiss Company. At nearly 6 feet deep, the hole measures more than 1,250 cubic feet!


This is the future home of our new DAVI Angle Roll MCP, which we told you about last month. Weighing in at 45 tons, it’s a monstrous metal bender that will fit neatly into this rectangular crevice. Yes, we literally had to dig a hole to accommodate it.


The project took a full week. We almost needed a flagman to direct traffic between the construction equipment coming in and out, and forklifts and trucks delivering and picking up products.

You can see a short video of the concrete floor being removed here. But that was just the start.


Afterward, a backhoe dug a hole roughly a third larger than the finished pit’s final size. Workers leveled and compacted the soil. They laid a lot of rebar, and poured 14 inches of concrete for the floor. They put up even more rebar on the sides, and poured 12-inch concrete walls.


Remember, the new DAVI Angle Roll MCP weighs 90,000 pounds. All the concrete is necessary. The size and power of this machine requires that its surrounding space be exceptionally strong. Even mounted within its pit, the huge unit will still tower 5 to 6 feet above the plant floor.


We expect to take delivery of the humongous metal-bender in a month, and have it fully operational by mid-December. The DAVI Angle Roll MCP has the CNC capabilities to deliver incredible precision for any project requiring curved metal. You name the material, and the shape, and this machine will nail the radii you need with unbelievable accuracy.

The pit in our shop floor is just the start. We’ll be posting more cool photos and videos soon. We promise that the service we’ll deliver to you, our customers, will be anything but the pits.

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